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Blog Collection

The Appalachian Whistler: A Warning in the Woods
The Appalachian Mountains are home to a deep and unsettling folklore, whispered from generation to generation.
Bee Williams
Mar 124 min read

Cursed Objects and Their Fatal Histories
Throughout history, certain objects have been feared, whispered about in the dead of night, and even locked away.
Bee Williams
Mar 64 min read

The Black Vampyre: A Forgotten Gothic Masterpiece
Hidden in the shadows of literary history is Uriah Derick D’Arcy’s The Black Vampyre: A Legend of St. Domingo.
Bee Williams
Feb 254 min read

The Christmas Vampire
Ah! Christmas time! Parties, decorations, presents, and Santa! But there is one aspect that has been forgotten. Vampires!
Bee Williams
Nov 27, 20243 min read

The Haunting of Bowers Beach Delaware
Ghostly figures roaming the shore, phantom ships appearing in the fog, and disembodied voices carried on the wind.
Bee Williams
Oct 24, 20243 min read

Baba Yaga: Russia's Fascinating Dark Folklore Figure
In the shadowy depths of Russia’s vast forests, there lives a being of immense power and mystery—Baba Yaga.
Bee Williams
Sep 3, 20244 min read

Fangs, Fur, and Folklore: The Weretigers of India
Most people around the world have heard of werewolves. Some cultures do not know the werewolf. In India, they know the Were-tiger!
Bee Williams
Aug 14, 20243 min read

The Woman in Black: A Haunting Legend
Please remember the following text:
"Folklore holds that the Woman in Black typically appeared to immoral men."
Bee Williams
Jul 13, 20242 min read

- Uncovering the Origins of The Bronze Age Zombie: A Historical and Cultural Analysis
Long before we used the term “zombie” people feared revenants. Revenants was the original term used for the undead and it struck fear...
Bee Williams
May 15, 20244 min read

Whispers in Stone: The Hidden Language of Graveyard Headstones
Death is but a transition. It is the living that needs funerary customs. It is all done in love.
Bee Williams
Apr 23, 20245 min read

The Ghost Woman of Horton House, Georgia
A few years ago, my husband and I climbed down from the mountains and traveled south through ancient battlegrounds, the pine tree...
Bee Williams
Feb 21, 20243 min read

"Unraveling the Mystery of Medusa: Exploring the Mythical Gorgon's Story"
For centuries Medusa has been misunderstood.
Bee Williams
Jan 24, 20244 min read

Banshee: The Haunting Wail of an Otherworldly Creature
For years, Irish locals have feared the wails of the Banshee. The Banshee, also known as the Bean Sidhe, is a captivating creature...
Bee Williams
Jan 15, 20243 min read

Mami Wata and Sister Sirens of the Sea
These alluring and mystical beings have been known to hold a dual nature in many African tales.
Bee Williams
Jan 3, 20245 min read

Miniature Macabre and Dark Curiosities: The History of Shrunken Heads
The fascinating history behind shrunken heads.
Bee Williams
Oct 25, 20234 min read

Lunarian Alien Invasion
The Lunarians were an advanced race of inhabitants living on the moon in a peaceful and tranquil existence. Little did they know that...
Bee Williams
Sep 27, 20233 min read

There's no Place Like Gnome
The Jones family was used to moving around, and they had seen many different houses in their time, but they were not prepared for what...
Bee Williams
Aug 30, 20234 min read

The Witch Hunts of Connecticut: Fear, Folklore, and the Birth of American Hysteria
The trail blazed by Connecticut's legal system served as a stark contrast to the events unfolding in neighboring Salem.
Bee Williams
Aug 2, 20233 min read

Case Files: The Haunting of Chestnut Hall B&B
One might assume that we were stepping into a gateway to the underworld, expecting to witness remnants from the past.
Jonathan Williams
Jul 27, 20233 min read

Case Files: What is This Place?
It was one of the creepiest locations when we locked up for the evening. The museum was the most active location that I have ever investigat
Jonathan Williams
Jun 22, 20234 min read
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