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Case Files: Brooke Avenue, Gettysburg Battlefiled

Writer: Jonathan WilliamsJonathan Williams

Updated: 23 hours ago

Brooke Avenue, Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania. To some, it may sound familiar, but to others, it would seem like something to Google.

Located just north of Slyder Farm, past Devil’s Den, and Triangle Field, as discussed last case files, From there, head a little down the road until you come up to Cross Avenue, and make a left. Take Cross until it literally turns into Brook Avenue. The hot location on this road is the Semmes' Brigade, McLaw's Division, First Army Corps Monument / Rose Woods to the right, and Rose Farm / Slyder Farm pastures to the left.

This area was the first line of Union defense during the battle. There were a few great memories from this location in terms of investigating from shadow figures to a cow that scared the bejesus out of us. Another location of incredible significance and paranormal activity is the Slyder Farm hospital site, which is located on the map above. I will talk about that in the next case files.

On Brooke Ave, the first in 2005, Hildred and I went out to investigate Devil’s Den, then swung over to Brooke Ave. When we got out of the car, we heard movement in the forest to our left. Hildred started taking pictures and immediately caught this photo.

We then met up with some other investigators driving through the park and started to feel more movement and energy from the woods.

But that was only the beginning. Soon, we started to see shadows cutting through the trees to the right of us in Rose Woods. Moving closer, we caught these photos.

We started noticing a large energy brewing next to the Connecticut monument and took pictures with a spike in EMF, and our hairs began standing on end. These experiences went on for quite some time and after it all settled down, we wrapped up for another day.

A few months later, in October, we went back out with a few friends that were visiting. Incredibly enough, we heard rustling in the woods to the left again. It was louder this time, and more pronounced than the last time our team had visited. It was rather unnerving. Then, we heard a “moooo”… Yes, it was a herd of cows, in the pasture. So, we can check that off our scared list for the evening.

At that point, we went back to the Connecticut monument and took some pictures, but there was little spiritual activity. However, I went over to our favorite “portal” spot and received a few cool photos.

Then suddenly as we were walking back to the car, I looked to my left up at the road and there was a human-shaped shadow standing in the middle of the road. I started taking pictures.

We walked towards the shadow, and it ducked behind a monument only feet from the road. We ran up to the monument and there was nobody around it. That was an amazing experience!

In 2006, I went out with the team a few times to the Brooke Ave site. One funny and incredible story was when Chris, Scott, Tim, Hildred, and I were out there, over by the Connecticut Monument again, and suddenly Tim darted into the Rose Woods and down the hill. We were immediately dumbfounded as to why he did that.

When we yelled to Tim asking what was going on, he said he saw a shadow dart in between the trees and swore it was a person! This job never ceases to amaze me.

In 2007, we took a number of groups over to the woods and Brooke Avenue, which became our go-to spot for visiting. The NY Monument up the road, where I saw the shadow figure, became a hotbed for sightings.


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